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Reduce Recovery Time after an Injury or Surgery

Would you like to reduce the time it takes to recover after an injury or surgery?

Perhaps you’ve been struggling with negative beliefs or emotions that are blocking your healing progress?

You are your own best healer
You are your own best healer

There is good news! Hypnosis is an affordable and accessible method that can help you with both your mind and your body. Our minds and bodies are inseparable. What affects one, affects the other. For example, if you have been experiencing pain or discomfort for a long time, it is common that you may begin to feel depressed, hopeless, or anxious. Conversely, if you are experiencing anxiety or depression, it can affect your sleep, digestion, immunity, concentration, and more.

"Studies show that hypnosis is helping people with pain reduction and with pre-operative anxiety. (See the studies listed at the end of this blog for more information) The mind is powerful, and our bodies are designed to heal. Hypnosis can be a positive tool in your healing toolbox. It can often reduce dosage or length of time needed for pain medication, which is a concern for those who try to avoid opioids or other prescription medications".
Quantum Medical Hypnosis Certification
Quantum Medical Hypnosis Certification

The conscious mind is in control of “will-power”

I’m sure you’ve all experienced the ups and downs of will-power. Your mood, your sleep, and events of the day will all have direct effects upon your will-power. You may wake up with the best of intentions to follow your diet, exercise, or get to bed earlier. But then a trigger happens and BOOM!, it’s all out the window and you find yourself binging on Netflix to the wee hours with a vat of ice cream.

The root of all thoughts, emotions, and beliefs lie in the subconscious mind. If you want to make lasting change, then you need to communicate with your subconscious mind. In hypnosis, you do this by bypassing the critical mind with a state called Induction. Induction is what makes hypnosis different than meditation. When you schedule a hypnotherapy session, we will discuss your goals and what has blocked you from achieving success in the past. I will also ask some questions to determine what kinds of hypnosis methods you will respond to best, i.e. are you a visual or auditory learner, or if you feel emotions in your body or with your mind.

In the case of managing pain and discomfort, we will identify where you feel the pain, what your level of discomfort is, and your goals for the future.

During your session, we will begin with an Induction. This is generally followed by progressive relaxation, which allows your body to rest and get into a parasympathetic state, where healing can take place. You will be aware and in control of yourself, just very relaxed. Then we will begin to work with your goals by recognizing your discomfort, giving you tools to manage it, and then will follow with a detailed visualization of how you see your future self. This is a very important part of the process because you want to replace the discomfort with a positive image or message. After that, I will walk you up and out of hypnosis. When working with neuroplasticity, which allows your brain to change and reorganize, it is best to repeat the hypnotherapy experience daily. With your permission, I will record your session so you can listen to it daily.

Do you want to get started right away? Click here to download my recorded audio session Rapid Recovery After Injury or Surgery. And make sure to use code MBH50 to receive a 50% discount! Thank you and I look forward to working with you.

THE EFFICACY OF HYPNOTIC ANALGESIA IN ADULTS: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE (1) states “In terms of acute/procedural pain, the findings from both the current and the previous literature reviews suggest that hypnosis, compared to no-treatment or `non-hypnotic' interventions, results in significantly greater reductions in pain outcomes at least 50% of the time, and performs as well as the control conditions in the remaining 50% of trials. Similarly, when hypnotic analgesia for acute/procedural pain is compared to viable treatments (e.g. relaxation training, CBT), hypnosis is superior to these interventions in roughly half the trials, with no alternate treatment surpassing hypnosis in efficacy.”

In a study published December 16, 2020 entitled Use of hypnosis preoperatively for surgery of the spine: Pilot study (2), the Results state “Our results indicate that this technique had a positive impact on the management of preoperative stress (80% of patients) and on postoperative quality of life (48% of patients). Pain measured by decreased from 4.8/10 preoperatively to 0.9/10 postoperatively.”


You can learn more about Becky and is work here

or explore what can be done for you at My Best Healer HERE!

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As the hypnotherapy industry continues to work together, we hope to see this hidden gem of a tool make its way into the mainstream spotlight such as it deserves.

Continue reading How to Heal Yourself Naturally> Hypnotherapy is an educational and self-improvement process that facilitates access to a person's internal resources to assist themselves in solving problems, increasing motivation, or altering behavior patterns to create positive change. Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical treatment or psychotherapy. Kimberly Sheahan does not practice medicine or psychotherapy and her services are not a replacement for counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatric or medical treatment. No service or product provided is intended to diagnose or treat any disease or illness, psychological or mental health condition.


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