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Research and studies reveal the four pillars essential for creating a happy and healthy life: Self (Emotional), Body (Physical), Mind (Ego), and Environment (Enviros for the Mind). These pillars are key to achieving a well-rounded and balanced life, promoting self-awareness, physical health, mental well-being, and a harmonious connection with your surroundings.

1- Emotional


This is the most hidden part of your being. Which is originate from your inner child or even before that. Scholars are defining that as part of your subconscious mind conflict.

Conflict in the self can lead to lack of confidence as a result a person will experience mistrust and inadequacy.

Examples of Self-Issues:


  • Lack of Confidence

  • Self-Image

  • Guilt

  • Grief

  • I Am Enough

  • Not Good Enough Stubborn 

  • Self-Criticism

  • Self-Defeating Behaviors

  • Bullying

  • Death or Loss

  • Fear of Failure

  • Self-Esteem

  • Self-Expression

  • Self-Forgiveness

  • Self-Awareness

  • Self-Actualization 

  • Self-Blame

  • Self-Confidence

  • Fear of School

  • Fear of Success

  • Fear of Rejection

  • Fear of Water

  • Find hidden talents

  • Forgiveness

  • Frustration

  • Freedom

  • Giving Up

  • Grinding Jaw/Teeth 

  • Gratitude

  • Hair Twisting 

  • Surrender

  • Trust

  • Hopelessness 

  • Hypochondria 

  • Hostility

  • Hoarding 

  • Hypertension

  • Hypno-birthing 

  • Indecision

  • Inferiority

  • Inhibition

  • Insecurity

  • Irrational

  • Irrational thoughts 

  • Jealousy

  • Lack of Joy

  • Lack of Ambition

  • Lack of self-confidence

  • Lack of Freedom

  • Lack of Enthusiasm 

  • Abandonment 

  • Sadness

  • Passive-Aggressive

  • (Quantum Transformation 1)Past Life Regression 1

  • (Quantum Transformation 2) Past Life Regression 2

  • Past Life Regression 3 (Quantum Transformation 3)

2- Physical


This is the most vulnerable and only visible part of your being.


People who experience nervous system dysregulation often struggle to feel safe in their body and trust their body’s ability to heal.

Examples of The Body Issues:

3- Ego


Every time we come into a narrow road, event, or experience, I call it birth, we need to trust life that we will come through. Then you will experience a rebirth of some sort.


If we don’t, will get stuck and that is the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone. 

Examples of The Ego Issues:

  • Fear of Losing Control

  • Stuck

  • Concentration

  • Fear of Doing Mistakes

  • Creativity

  • Sabotage

  • Self-Control

  • Confused

  • Anger

  • Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD)

  • Attention, Deficit/

  • Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Gambling

  • Lack of Initiative Biofeedback

  • Breakthrough

  • Self-Mastery

  • Let Go of Anger

  • Lower Blood Pressure

  • Manifestation

  • Medication Side Effects

  • Memory

  • Me Time

  • Mindfulness

  • Mistrust

  • Moodiness

  • Motivation

  • Calm

  • Dreams

  • Lack of Motivation

  • Fear of Animals

  • Fear of Death

  • Fear of Dentist

  • Fear of Doctor

  • A new way of thinking

  • Negativism

  • Obsessions

  • Obsessive-compulsive

  • Overly Critical

  • Panic Attacks

  • Perfectionism

  • Irritability

  • Pessimism

  • Phobias

  • Worried

  • Problem-Solving

  • Procrastination

  • Release tension

  • Resistance

  • Change Negative Thoughts

  • Resistance to Change

  • Aging

  • Codependency

4- Enviro-Mental

Are you feeling lost? Do you experience constant judgment and criticism from others? Are you feeling a lack of direction and missing your life purpose?

Your ability to trust is diminished. These feelings and more can lead to anxiety and a lack of balance.  

Examples of Enviromental Issues:


  • Anxiety & Trauma

  • Social anxiety

  • Money relationships

  • Feeling Lost

  • Social Phobia

  • Finding Love

  • Corona Virus Anxiety

  • Attitude Adjustment

  • Communication

  • Codependency

  • Coping Strategies

  • Change Habits

  • Compulsive Spending

  • Career Success

  • Shame

  • Stage Frightening

  • Stress

  • Study Habits

  • Give Thanks

  • Success

  • Superiority

  • Improve Sales

  • Tardiness

  • Teen Age Anxiety

  • Writers Block

  • Transformation

  • Peaceful

  • Exam Anxiety

  • Gratitude

  • Helplessness

  • Vulnerability

  • Fear of Aging

  • Agoraphobia

  • Neglected communities

  • Discouraged

  • LGBTQ communities

  • Sexual Problems

  • Lack of Love

  • Sexual incompetence

  • Sex Performance

  • Public Speaking

  • Premature Ejaculation

  • Purpose in life

  • Prosperity

  • Reach Goals

  • Lack of belonging

  • Nightmares

  • Responsibility

  • PTSD

  • Lack of Direction

  • Relationship Enhancement

  • More Laughter

  • Happiness


“'This was my first visit as well as my first hypnotherapy session. Ezzat was such a warm and kind person, I was immediately put at ease. He was incredibly thorough, and after my session, I could not quit smiling. I felt instant happiness and I am pretty sure this is magic. Because it works instantly. I signed up for two more sessions and will be signing up for more!" - Tracy

Dr. Moghazy is wonderful! He is an excellent listener and quickly helps you get to the heart of your issues. Within a few sessions, he helped me gain insight into what was holding me back from healing and realizing my dreams. He moved old stuck energy that I know would have stayed buried and festering without his intervention. Each session leaves me feeling stronger, more confident, relaxed, and ready to become the person I want to be. Thank you Dr. Moghazy!" - Becky

“I wish I could give a higher rating than 5 stars because what I’ve gained and developed from these sessions is truly remarkable. Everything that I’ve wanted to achieve and improve has become a reality. In weeks I became a different person and in months I became a much much greater person than I was. You can only gain from each session. Ezzat is great at what he does." - Richard

Explore the transformative benefits of hypnotherapy

Quantum Medical Hypnosis: A Revolutionary Healing Technique by Dr. Moghazy

Welcome to Quantum Medical Hypnosis (QMH), a transformative healing method developed by Dr. Moghazy. Unlike traditional hypnosis techniques, QMH integrates advanced principles of quantum theory, offering a unique and powerful approach to achieving profound healing and transformation. Explore the numerous benefits of QMH and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness.


Benefits of Quantum Medical Hypnosis

1. Addressing Emotional Well-being

Quantum Medical Hypnosis provides a powerful tool for managing concerns such as anxiety, stress, and emotional disturbances. By tapping into the subconscious mind, it helps uncover and resolve deep-seated issues, leading to a more balanced and harmonious life.

2. Facilitating Behavioral Changes

Whether you're looking to quit smoking, lose weight, or break other habits, QMH offers effective support in fostering positive behavioral changes by rewiring thought patterns. Experience lasting transformations and take control of your habits and lifestyle.

3. Supporting Overall Well-being

For individuals seeking overall improvement, QMH can complement traditional methods, alleviate symptoms, and enhance quality of life. This holistic approach promotes a deeper sense of well-being and vitality.

4. Enhancing Performance

Athletes, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth can benefit from QMH in boosting confidence, improving focus, and overcoming performance barriers. Unlock your full potential and achieve your goals with enhanced mental clarity and resilience.

5. Promoting Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Quantum Medical Hypnosis is known for inducing a state of deep relaxation, helping to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm. This profound relaxation can have a positive impact on both mental and physical well-being, fostering a more peaceful and centered life.

6. Encouraging Holistic Wellness

Engaging in QMH is not just about addressing specific issues; it's a journey toward holistic wellness. It encourages self-discovery, fosters a positive mindset, and supports overall personal growth, guiding you toward a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Embark on Your Healing Journey with Quantum Medical Hypnosis

Quantum Medical Hypnosis offers a unique and effective approach to healing and personal growth. Whether you seek relief from specific challenges or aim for overall improvement, QMH provides the tools and techniques to help you achieve your goals.

Discover the possibilities with Quantum Medical Hypnosis and start your journey towards a better, more balanced life today.

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