Does Handwriting reflect Personality?
What is Handwriting Analysis?
Handwriting Analysis is a technique whose purpose is to study the personality through the interpretation of handwriting. The way of writing is unique to each of us. The brain sends the orders to the muscles of the hand so that they execute each one of the movements in the paper, revealing personality traits. It is based on projective techniques and psychoanalysis. To understand graphology you must know the basis of the symbolism of space.
Why the Study of Handwriting Analysis is So Important
Handwriting, like printing, typing, drawing, and even body language is all
communication. Having a comprehensive understanding of the written forms of communication is more relevant and more important now than ever before. Handwriting Analysis is so objective and so accurate that law enforcement lawyers, educational leaders, mental health professionals, Human Resource executives and more all depend on Handwriting Analysis for a true read of the individual (s) being analyzed.
Symbolism of space in handwriting
The Swiss graphologist and researcher Max Pulver founded the symbolic school whose theories, still valid today, are of vital importance in the interpretation of all projective tests. Through the act of writing, there are emotions that come from the unconscious, reflecting the relation of the human being to the world. The blank sheet represents the living space and the graphic gesture symbolizes the subject himself moving between the sky and the abyss, between the past and the future.
In this course, you will discover traditional as well as newly-trending areas of written communication.
Handwriting Analysis Course aims to introduce this wonderful technique that is graphology to each participant, understanding the fundamental concepts in a simple way, developing an inward look that leads to self-knowledge and discovery of your partner, friends, co-workers.
Through Handwriting Analysis Course it is possible to analyze the writing patterns that identify the psychological state of the people, showing innumerable traits of the personality.
This technique reveals personal traits, aptitudes and abilities, past experiences that have left traces in the personality, problems of physical and psychological health.
It is possible to find out the level of self-esteem, initiative and will, mood, how we relate to others, our potential for libido, how we conduct ourselves socially and many more personal aspects. Current studies say that through graphology it is possible to detect even lies.
In this course you only need the desire to learn, as it frees you from the demands of the certified courses.