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Stop the Chatter

Have you ever tried meditation or simply relaxing and the second you become silent, the chatter takes over and threatens your sanity?

Hypnotherapy in Denver, Reiki Class Near Me, Quantum Medical Hypnosis Certification, HypnoBirthing Denver, Trauma Therapy Boulder
My Best Healer Mindfulness Meditation

Fears, worries, stressors, or ruminating thoughts began to jockey for position in your mind.

At this point, you may have given up and went on with your busy day. Sometimes I think we invent ways of staying busy just to keep this monkey mind from chattering at us. But we know that keeping on high alert most of the time leads to burnout, lack of sleep,

and many forms of dis-ease. Soon our bodies are locked into sympathetic dominance, and we continue to spiral downward. But take heart, there is hope!

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Healthy Body + Healthy Mind = Healthy Life

You are not at the mercy of these seemingly uncontrollable thoughts. Often the mistake we make is trying to address this problem through our conscious mind. We cannot think our way into a calm state. To engage the Parasympathetic (rest, digest, and heal) nervous system, we need to communicate with our bodies. There are many ways to do this; EFT, Havening, breathing exercises, or Limbic system retraining, to name a few.

Hypno-Therapy and Reiki Treatments in  Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins, and Western Slope South Dakota, Las Vegas, and Europe & ONLINE
Quantum Medical Hypnosis Course

But my favorite way to engage the Parasympathetic nervous system is through Quantum Medical Hypnosis. Not only does QMH allow you to access your subconscious mind to create self-improvement, but it allows your body to enter a deep state of rest. Your body cannot be in a fight, flight, or freeze state while the Parasympathetic nervous system is engaged. That’s wonderful news! We were created to switch easily back and forth between the two systems.


Sometimes the Sympathetic nervous system gets a bad reputation, but the truth is we need both. If the fire alarm goes off in your house, are you going to keep eating your dinner, take a nap, or smooch with your spouse on the couch? Of course not! You are going to do everything in your power to make sure you and your family are safe. In a healthy nervous system, when we get out of danger, the body burns through the adrenaline and then allows us to come back into a Parasympathetic state. If we are in Sympathetic dominance, it will be very difficult to let it go, which later affects your sleep, which carries on to the next day and so on.

Are you feeling lost? Do you experience constant judgment and criticism from others? Are you feeling a lack of direction and missing your life purpose? Your ability to trust is diminished. These feelings and more can lead to anxiety and a lack of balance.
Hypnotherapy Session

When I found Dr. Moghazy, I had been engaging my Parasympathetic nervous system for years. I had seen lots of improvement by doing some of the techniques I listed earlier. But I still had a long way to go. If you know anything about the Enneagram, I am a type 6, which means fear loves to lurk in the corners of my mind. It took a few sessions, but my body and mind began to become coherent. Which means my thoughts, feelings, emotions, along with physical bodily sensations (like my heartbeat), were in agreement. I could finally relax! AND I could tame the chatter. Through hypnosis, Dr. Moghazy gave me statements to say to myself and a physical anchor (holding my thumb and forefinger together) any time I felt my limbic system taking control.

Every time we come into a narrow road, event, or experience (birth) we need to trust life that we will come through (rebirth). If we don’t, will GET STUCK and that is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.
Hypnosis at your fingertips

I was able to recognize myself getting triggered, stop the thought, and replace it with my statement and a visualization of myself how I wanted to be. This sounds simple, but its simplicity is what makes it so wonderful. I was no longer a prisoner of my own mind! I had the freedom to choose my own thoughts and I had the visualization of myself in the future. I still use this whenever a trigger comes along.

Our thoughts matter. They are like fire.

Elevate your life with Dr. Moghazy. A doctor and clinical hypnotherapist who can help you break through anxiety and trauma to find love and financial abundance.
The Power of Your Unconscious Mind

They can be used for good or evil. And a little spark can quickly turn into a raging inferno. But, with a little control, we can make our thoughts work for our good. Thoughts turn into beliefs, which turn into our behavior, which turn into habits, which turn into our personalities. Who do you want to be and what do you want to be remembered for?

I loved the results of QMH so much that I am now a certified Quantum Medical Hypnotherapist. I want to pass on this gift that Dr. Moghazy helped me receive. The results you are looking for are already inside you. You may just need a guide to help you on your journey. I would love to be your guide.

Benefits of being a Certified QMH Practitioner 2?  Professional opportunities to earn money and develop a career in holistic health As the demand for energy healing continues to grow, you also can add value to your practice by also offering Hypnosis Free profile listing on My Best Healer Directory for the first year My Best Healer gives out referrals to our certified practitioners and instructors An immediate sense of peace, love, and harmony with yourself and the world The power of self-healing energy Learn how harvest the positive energy  Create a right mindset to live a better life Master The Power of Your Unconscious Mind
Quantum Medical Hypnosis Practitioner 2

Please visit my website at

for more information.

Wishing you many blessings! Becky Reutter


I have four important questions for you…

Would you like to become a QMH practitioner, Blog Writer, Audio Hypnosis creator, and many more wonderful achievements.

Is your answer “Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes”? If so, Book online or call us at (303) 810-8888 and join us.

How to start?

Ready to get started? Click the link below and transform your life:

Dr. Moghazy truly helped me with the birth journey of my baby
Quantum Medical Hypnosis

Quantum Medical Hypnosis Manual

About the founder:

Are you feeling lost? Do you experience constant judgment and criticism from others? Are you feeling a lack of direction and missing your life purpose? Your ability to trust is diminished. These feelings and more can lead to anxiety and a lack of balance.   ​ Every time we come into a narrow road, event, or experience (birth) we need to trust life that we will come through (rebirth). If we don’t, will GET STUCK and that is the worst thing that can happen to anyone.  ​ When it comes to your physical body, you are your thoughts. Body control; weight loss, or addictions are great examples of MIND-BODY DISCONNECTION.  ​ The best example of EMOTIONAL ISSUES is a lack of confidence. Which is originate from the inner child or even before that. Google's scholars are defining that as a part of your subconscious mind conflict.
Dr. Moghazy at Cherry Creek Office

Dr. Moghazy is an exceptionally qualified Doctor and passionate Hypnotherapist who enjoys working one-on-one with people in beautiful Colorado in person and online. He takes pride in the difference he has made in so many lives.

Using scientifically proven techniques, they will aim to discover the root of the problem and create a long-lasting, effective change. No matter what issues you’re facing, get ready to free yourself from the negative, subconscious blocks that are holding you back.

Connecting with me will give you knowledge, tools, and support!

Benefits of becoming a CERTIFIED HEALER  1 - Earn a very good living facilitating natural & holistic energy healing work  2 - The demand for professionally certified healers continues to grow, and you also can add value to your current practice by offering QMH, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Quantum Life Regression, Emotional Fascia certifications, and more 3 - Recieve referrals  4 - Continue education and mentoring support  5 - Accelerate your success by joining a community of like-minded healers 6 - Opportunities to create a passive income 8 - Listed on the resources directory of My Best Healer 9 - Recieve a beautiful certificate and complete manual 10 - Above all, you help other people to heal and feel better, Isn't that enough?
Benefits of becoming a CERTIFIED HEALER  1 - Earn a very good living facilitating natural & holistic energy healing work  2 - The demand for professionally certified healers continues to grow, and you also can add value to your current practice by offering QMH, Reiki, Myofascial Release, Quantum Life Regression, Emotional Fascia certifications, and more 3 - Recieve referrals  4 - Continue education and mentoring support  5 - Accelerate your success by joining a community of like-minded healers 6 - Opportunities to create a passive income 8 - Listed on the resources directory of My Best Healer 9 - Recieve a beautiful certificate and complete manual 10 - Above all, you help other people to heal and feel better, Isn't that enough?

Best wishes,

Dr. Ezzat Moghazy

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